【Davinci resolve 18】Everything you need to know about the TRANSFORM Tools in Davinci Resolve 18 FMF#1

【Davinci resolve 18】Everything you need to know about the TRANSFORM Tools in Davinci Resolve 18 FMF#1

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Zoom, Position, Rotate, Pitch, Yaw, Flip!

The TRANSFORM tools in Davinci Resolve 18! Learn them here in just 5 minutes. We’ll also copy and paste them to other elements AND apply them before they’re even on the timeline.

Love it!

00:00 Catbunny!
00:37 Video Starts here!
03:47 Transform in MEDIA POOL
05:01 Copy and Paste TRANSFORMS
05:37 Go me!

You can find me here as well:


I hope you found this useful 🙂 Thanks for watching.

Mr Alex Tech

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