【Davinci resolve 17】MAKE A VLOG INTRO IN RESOLVE 17 – Fusion Tutorial for Beginners

【Davinci resolve 17】MAKE A VLOG INTRO IN RESOLVE 17 – Fusion Tutorial for Beginners

Thank you to Artlist for sponsoring this video. If you want to check them out, use this handy link I got you! See, don’t say I never did anything for you:
Artlist (+2 MONTHS FREE): https://bit.ly/3ayH9oL

Here’s a neat one: How to make a vlog intro in resolve 17! This tutorial goes over some ways to create a slick, professional video intro for your vlogs (or any other type of recurring show) with tips and tricks on making things yourself. And while Resolve 17 has a number of pretty great titles built into the program, it’s always nice to build your own and create a brand for yourself. That way you can get the perfect look for your Vlog!

And if that isn’t enough for you, check out some of these other rad links to cool stuff!

PRO COLOR GRADING IN RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/pro-color-in-davinci-resolve
INTRODUCTION TO DAVINCI RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/introduction-to-davinci-resolve
DAVINCI RESOLVE 17 END TO END MASTERCLASS: https://www.groundcontrol.film/resolve-17-end-to-end
ADVANCED FUSION MOTION GRAPHICS TRAINING: https://www.groundcontrol.film/advanced-motion-graphics-in-fusion
YOUTUBE EDITOR’S MASTER TRAINING FOR DAVINCI RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/youtube-editors-master-training

Artgrid (VIDEO): https://bit.ly/31gT2ju

Artlist (MUSIC/SFX): https://bit.ly/3ayH9oL
