【Davinci resolve 17】Basic Fusion Tutorial for Beginners – Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Training

【Davinci resolve 17】Basic Fusion Tutorial for Beginners – Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Training

PRO COLOR GRADING IN RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/pro-color-in-davinci-resolve
INTRODUCTION TO DAVINCI RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/introduction-to-davinci-resolve
DAVINCI RESOLVE 17 END TO END MASTERCLASS: https://www.groundcontrol.film/resolve-17-end-to-end
ADVANCED FUSION MOTION GRAPHICS TRAINING: https://www.groundcontrol.film/advanced-motion-graphics-in-fusion
YOUTUBE EDITOR’S MASTER TRAINING FOR DAVINCI RESOLVE: https://www.groundcontrol.film/youtube-editors-master-training

Artgrid (VIDEO): https://bit.ly/31gT2ju

Artlist (MUSIC/SFX): https://bit.ly/3ayH9oL

This is my ultimate crash course for compositing, Graphics, and VFX in Blackmagic Fusion and DaVinci Resolve. We’ll go over the basics of Nodes-based-compositing, how to use nodes, masks, and effects. We’ll cover tracking and animation as well as how to make special effects look realistic. This is an updated version of a video I put out a while back called Basic Fusion – Compositing.
