【Davinci resolve 17】New Macro editor for DaVinci resolve! 2023🤪

【Davinci resolve 17】New Macro editor for DaVinci resolve! 2023🤪

so hey guys , today I’m going to show you how i create a password protected macro with my new macro editor .i know it’s silly idea but ,this is fun so i had to show you guys!

so as you can see with my macro editor open , i have to select the nodes to build the macro , and selecting the inputs from the input list I’m adding text inputs in Text Labels and the background to color nest.

now after all that
i can now change the name of the macro and if i want , i can choose macro or group and now you can add the password in this case, I’m adding password as my password now hit paste ,

as you can see guys the macro is created now if you drag it to the viewer you can’t see anything , in order to see the output of the macro you have to unlock the macro from the unlock tab, so go to the unlock tab if i try to put anything rather then the password that i set it won’t unlock , now when i put the original password and hit unlock then the output gets visible . and you can send this macro to anyone without the plugin installed it will also work . i really wanna here from you guys what you think about this.

