【Davinci resolve 18】3 Reasons to NEVER use Fusion! – Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Tips

【Davinci resolve 18】3 Reasons to NEVER use Fusion! – Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Tips

FREE Fusion Mini-Course: https://www.groundcontrol.film/survival-guide

The 9 Nodes You Need to Make (Almost) Anything in Fusion: https://www.groundcontrol.film/9-nodes-workshop

FUSION: ZERO TO HERO – The Ultimate Blackmagic Fusion Course (Great for Beginners!)

– Learn to make motion graphics and visual effects in DaVinci Resolve!



Pro Compositing & VFX in Fusion Course:


Pro Editing Workflow in DaVinci Resolve Course:


Pro Color Grading in DaVinci Resolve Course


DaVinci Resolve for iPad Course


Lighting provided by GODOX

Okay, there are a couple reasons why someone might not ever use Fusion, but I would like to address those reasons and why they can easily be thrown out the dang window!
So sit back and let the Fusion complaining begin. And heck, maybe this video can convince you that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Fusion ain’t all that bad!

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