【Davinci resolve 17】One Powerful Trick For Masks in Fusion (Matte Control) – DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial

  • 2021.03.10
  • 3D
【Davinci resolve 17】One Powerful Trick For Masks in Fusion (Matte Control) – DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial

Here’s one for you Fusion People: One Powerful Trick for using Masks in Fusion. This tutorial goes over how I utilize the Matte Control Node to ease my workflow when dealing with a lot of Masks.

And believe me, when you start to get deep into Fusion and are using a lot of elements, being able to make broad adjustments just on one Node can add up to a lot of saved time! So give this one a whirl!

FREE Fusion Mini Course: https://www.groundcontrol.film/survival-guide

The 9 Nodes You Need to Make (Almost) Anything in Fusion: https://www.groundcontrol.film/9-nodes-workshop

FUSION: ZERO TO HERO – The Ultimate Blackmagic Fusion Course (Great for Beginners!)

– Learn to make motion graphics and visual effects in DaVinci Resolve!



Pro Compositing & VFX in Fusion Course:


Pro Editing Workflow in DaVinci Resolve Course:


Pro Color Grading in DaVinci Resolve Course


DaVinci Resolve for ipad Course


Artgrid (VIDEO): https://bit.ly/31gT2ju

Artlist (MUSIC/SFX): https://bit.ly/3ayH9oL
