【Davinci resolve 19】DaVinci Resolve 19 – Complete Beginner TutorialDaVinci Resolve 19 – Complete Beginner Tutorial

【Davinci resolve 19】DaVinci Resolve 19 – Complete Beginner TutorialDaVinci Resolve 19 – Complete Beginner Tutorial

DaVinci Resolve is a free editing app for Mac and PC and it’s one of the best ways to get started with editing.

You can install the latest version of Davinci Resolve here:

Unlimited downloads of 60+ million creative assets, including stock videos, photos and music. https://1.envato.market/c/2500859/298927/4662

In this video, I’ll show you everything you need to know to get started with DaVinci Resolve.

There is a paid version of DaVinci Resolve called Studio that gives you professional options, but we’ll focus on the free one for this video.

Here is the 10 step process for creating a video with DaVinci Resolve.
Step 1: Create a project

Step 2: Importing Media
You may want to get an external hard drive to organize everything and not take up all the space on your computer.

Step 3: Basic Editing
Adding clips to timeline, re-ordering clips, split clips.

Step 4: Adding B-Roll

Step 5: Transitions

Step 6: Adding Text

Step 7: Working with photos

Step 8: Adding music

Step 9: Colors and filters

Step 10: Exporting

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