【Davinci resolve 19】There’s a BETTER way! The best DaVinci Resolve 19 Feature you totally missedThere’s a BETTER way! The best DaVinci Resolve 19 Feature you totally missed

【Davinci resolve 19】There’s a BETTER way! The best DaVinci Resolve 19 Feature you totally missedThere’s a BETTER way! The best DaVinci Resolve 19 Feature you totally missed

🔥 MotionVFX: https://mvfx.co/MrAlexTech/DaVinciResolve 🔥

Referenced Fusion Compositions are awesome! They allow you to create a single comp, that affects multiple different clips on the timeline so if you need to make a change, you only need to do it once! How did i miss these until now?!

They’re perfect for creating little FaceCam, Splitscreen or even Podcast Templates. Plus there’s loads of other uses I didn’t even talk about in this video!

00:00 Intro
01:15 The Basics (FaceCam)
03:41 Change it!
06:40 MotionVFX
07:55 Multiple Clips (Podcast)
12:10 3 Clips (Splitscreen)
14:20 Save them!

You can find me here as well:


I hope you found this useful 🙂 Thanks for watching.

Mr Alex Tech

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