Fusion マクロ 【Davinci resolve 17】[DAVINCI RESOLVE 17(Fusion)] “Comment sauvegarder et réutiliser une compo Fusion” 続きを読む
スピードエディター 【Davinci resolve 17】DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor Review – Is It Good For Basic Edits? 続きを読む
スピードエディター 【Davinci resolve 17】[블하 다빈치리졸브 EP.2] 다빈치리졸브 17 스피드에디터 활용법!! 이 영상 꼭 봐주세요! DaVinci Resolve 17 Speed Editor 続きを読む
スピードエディター 【Davinci resolve 17】DAVINCI RESOLVE SPEED EDITOR – Does it work on the EDIT PAGE?! Overview, Q&A and Demonstration 続きを読む
ALL エフェクト トランジション 【Davinci resolve 17】All of the NEW Transitions in DaVinci Resolve 17 and how to make them better! 続きを読む